Father Perry with a few of New York's finest
Stained glass window inside the Church
Cortelyou Road Firehouse (Engine 281, Ladder 147), Rogers Avenue Firehouse (Engine 255, 157) , Snyder Avenue Firehouse (Engine 248, Battalion 41) and our parish food pantry team.
Donations made to Food Pantry on November 23, 2021 by Cortelyou Rd, Roger Avenue, and Snyder Avenue Firehouse
Our parish Administrator, Fr. Lucon Rigaud, saying a prayer before turkey distribution.
Opened in 1988, the Food Pantry started with 2 to 3 volunteers giving emergency food once per month to about 100 people.
Currently we have 10-15 volunteers who serve as many as 300 clients each week. We serve a population which consists of immigrants from Russia, Haiti, West Indies and Caribbean countries, Puerto Rico, Mexico, and several other countries.
We serve every age group, middle aged, elderly, but mostly families with children; some have low paying jobs, some have no jobs, some receive food stamps, and some homeless.
We do not discriminate. We give basic orientation on social services available and make referrals to various city agencies.
We receive food from The Food Bank for NYC which is located at Hunts Point Coop Market in the Bronx; the city's EFAP (Emergency Food Assistance Program); the Department of Health's HPNAP (Hunger Prevention and Nutrition Assistance Program); City Harvest, and the city's TEFAP (Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program).
In addition this parish runs an annual food drive during Advent. We also receive cash and in-kind donations from our neighbors at the East Midwood Jewish Center, for which we are most grateful.
Volunteers prepare food packages Tuesday from 1:00 to 3:30PM. Food is distributed on Wednesday from 9:30AM to 1:00PM.
Call the parish with questions. Canned, dry food and cash donations to the food pantry are welcome.
All meetings are held in the rectory basement. Please use the 21st Street entrance.
English A.A. meetings are held on Saturdays at 5:00pm. English N.A. meetings are held on Wednesday at 6:00pm.
Our Food Pantry provides food, and sometimes clothing, to the needy in our community. Food is bagged on Tuesdays and distributed on Wednesdays throughout the year.
Our parish, the East Midwood Jewish Synagogue and the Church of the Nativity are committed to working together in an effort to make our neighborhood a safer and better place. Dialogue happens all during the year, centered around religious and social activities. Members of this group are expected to motivate parishioners and others in the neighborhood to participate in various activities, and help with registration and advertisement of various events.
Contact: Sr. Celia Deutsch
Our hope is that no member of our parish community grieves alone. Members of the group lead the prayers at the wake service and assist at the funeral Mass.
At Our Lady of Refuge Parish we promote Stewardship as a way of life--our response to God's call to "Go and make disciples of all people." Members of this ministry work closely with the Pastor in promoting the parish's annual stewardship drive of "Time, Talent, and Treasure." They recruit and train volunteers to work on the Diocesan Annual Catholic Appeal; evaluate the different models of community-based support through fund-raising, tithing/sacrificial giving, and personal appeals, and organize the parish's annual Ministry Fair.
Parishioners are invited to plan fund-raisers for the parish, such as Street Fairs, Flea Markets, Pig Roasts, Dinner Dances, etc. A willing spirit and and ability to work with a team are all that is required.
This consists of parishioners whose skills would be helpful to maintain our buildings, furniture and support equipment. Such parishioners would be carpenters, painters, plumbers, electricians, etc.
These parishioners are responsible for maintenance of altar linen, priests' vestments and altar vessels. They keep an inventory of altar bread and wine, candles, incense, etc.
This is a lay Apostolic organization for adults and children whose purpose is to win souls for Jesus and Mary. They strive to develop their spirituality by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and praying the Rosary. They meet in the rectory chapel every Thursday evening at 7:00pm.
Nous nous reunissons tous les samedis de 4:00pm a 5:00pm pour faire la recitation du chapelet, prendre des comptes-rendus des travaux, communiquer les informations qui reviennent de la curia, faire des visites de maison ou a l'hopital et donner un rapport annuel a la curia.
Evangelization. Notre but c'est d'aider ceux qui ont besoin. On se rencontre chaque dimanche de 3:30pm a 5:00pm.
Nou laprie ensem-nou fe kamonte sou lektu yo li dimanch yo nou rakonte sa Bon Dieu fe pou nou. Nou gin reunion les mekredi a 7:00pm.
Members of this ministry are part of a worldwide body of Catholics who have taken a three-day mini course to learn what being a true Christian is all about. During this three-day course they come face to face with Christ and make a promise to serve Jesus. Meetings are held every Tuesday at 7:00pm in the chapel.
Tres horas de alabanza y reflexion de la palabra, cada viernes a las 7:30pm hasta las 10:00pm.
Nous nous reunissons les Jeudis de 7:00pm a 10:00pm. Nous proclamons notre foi en Dieu qui est Pere, Fils et Esprit. Ouvrons a tout le monde. Visitons les maisons. Nous avons notre ressemblement chaque mois dans differentes eglises dans le Diocese; il y a une rencontre annuelle des leaders et membres de soutien.
But principal: Vivre la vie dans l'Esprit a travers les seminaires.
My dear friends in Christ,
Permit me to take this opportunity on behalf of my clergy staff to express my heartfelt gratitude to God, who has given us another year to participate in our second parish annual retreat on the weekend of September 30-October 2, 2022. It was a marvelous weekend of fellowship and prayerful time with him. We thank him for all the blessings and graces
bestowed on us during that blessed weekend.
We also want to thank all our dedicated and loyal guest speakers - FR. Gesson Agenis, Fr. Jomanas Eustache, Msgr. Sean Ogle and Coral Rubano- for their words of wisdom and guidance. Our words of gratitude are insufficient to express our sentiments toward them. We are very appreciative of their time, talents, and their teachings.
This annual retreat would not have been possible without the hard work of many, particularly the chairpersons of both PPC committees, Ms. Jennifer Baptiste and Dcn. Ronald Agnant. We thank them for their hard work, leadership, and support. Besides that, we want to thank our Parish retreat team members under the leadership of Lavictoire Innocents. They worked tirelessly to ensure the retreat went well and smoothly. Please know that we are very appreciative of your hard work and commitment.
To all those who worked behind the scenes from our parish offices (our parish staff) to give a helping hand, coordinate or provide the information, or receive payment from the retreat participants, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Lastly, in a distinctive way, we want to thank each participant who attended this second annual. Let us use all the learned knowledged to share with all those entruested under our spiritaul care to enchance our parish mission.May God Bless you all, and the blessed mother intercede for you! Duc In Altum! Go Forth To continue our mission!
Rev. Fr. Luçon Rigaud